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Midas Man: Missed Opportunity

"A cack-handed biopic... the genius who made The Beatles deserves better than this" - NME

"This superficial biopic about Beatles manager Brian Epstein renders him and the Fab Four as mere cardboard cut-outs.... A flimsy portrait of the man who discovered The Beatles" - The Telegraph

"...as though scripted by Wikipedia." - Uncut Magazine

"... it just feels way too by-the-numbers. It just never excites" - DVD Fever

" It's all a bit too sanctified and safe - lacking in rock'n'roll edge" - The Guardian

"...you are left wishing for something else to commemorate the wonderful yet short life of one of the music industry's greats." - The Upcoming

" it feels compromised and clumsily staged. There are some good moments and ideas here, but they sorely reminded me of what was missing" - The Post

"Midas Man" fumbles a golden opportunity to tell us what we don't know about the tragically short life of Beatles manager Brian Epstein" - Limelight Magazine

"It's plain to see it's hopeless..."

(That last one isn't a review of the film. But a presciently apt line that applies to the film. It's from a song written and recorded in August 1967 - the month that Brian Epstein died. By Graham Nash of The Hollies. "King Midas In Reverse" Quite...)

Given the history of the film the bad reviews are not remotely surprising.

The film was several years in production. It went through THREE directors, numerous scriptwriters, multiple cast changes. The official credits list no less than TWENTY producers!

Spoiler Alert: Great art is not created by committees! Each of the Beatles' films had just ONE director. ONE producer!

It was originally intended that the film be given a proper theatrical release. Seen in movie theaters and cinemas. Especially in the UK and the USA. First at film festivals - Sundance, Venice, Toronto, SxSW, London, Los Angeles, New York. Then a series of grand premieres - London, NYC, Hollywood. Followed by a respectable release for a quality art-house film.

It was to be an important film that could do for Brian's legacy what the movie "The Imitation Game" did for the reputation of WWII hero Alan Turing.

But so bad was the film that no theatrical distributor would release it. It has ended up as just another streaming product on Amazon. The "direct-to-video" of today's world. It has all the status, cultural significance and artistic gravitas of a Ricky Gervais stand-up special or a puff-piece "documentary" about the Kardashians.

And when we write "Amazon" - at present it's only available on Amazon in the UK. It's not showing up on Amazon USA. Which is bizarre for a film relating to the Beatles. And so highly-regarded is the film by Amazon-UK they aren't highlighting it on their homepage or boosting it as a new release. It's a non-event. A loser. "A shanda fur di goyim"

What a dreadful shadow to cast over Brian Epstein.

But no wonder... The film didn't spring from the muse of a writer or filmmaker. It was confected by an advertising executive with an ambition to become a big shot in movies.

Update on December 13th 2024!

Noting more fully conveys the serious respect there is for the film - or the skill and professionalism of the team who produced and are marketing this Beatles-related film - than the news of how it will be available in the USA.

Starting in January 2025 the film will be exclusively available in the USA on the extremely well-known streaming platform "Olyn". A company that has (at the time of writing) over 100 followers on Facebook! No less than 148 followers on Twitter/X! And a whopping 62 subscribers to its YouTube Channel!

As the USA has (as of December 2024) a population of only 338 million out of a world population of a mere 8 billion - the makers & marketers of "Midas Man" obviously know what they are doing in order to spread awareness and appreciation of their film about the man responsible for the success of that little-known niche, cult band the Beatles...

Update on January 18th 2025!

Our first two posts about this film (November 1st 2024 & December 13th 2024) conveyed how dreadful the film was. And how that direness had resulted in it having an abysmal US distribution plan.

Now there is an inside story in the entertainment industry 'bible' Variety (link here) that reveals how disgustingly shabby the entire production was and how gutter-level were the attempts to finance it.

It's an utter disgrace and blemish on the good name of Brian Epstein.

If the producers had even an ounce of genuine care or regard for Brian Epstein (that they have claimed motivated them) - then they would publicly apologize profusely for this appalling disaster and how they screwed up this production. And how it has darkened the public perception of Brian Epstein.

Don't hold your breath for an apology. The motivation to make this film was nothing to do with respect for Brian. It was about the greed and naked ambition of the film's producers. Trying to use Brian's wonderful story as an easy way to make a dirty profit.

They didn't succeed. All they did was besmirch Brian Epstein...

Were the intentions behind the film good? Arguably.

Was it a noble effort? More like "exploitative".

Did they want to do well by Brian? Only if it could profit them.

Has it succeeded? No. The precise opposite

Why did it fail?

• Misconceived premise
• Parochial perspective
• Poor script
• Confused vision
• Bad casting
• Uneven direction
• Failure to accurately capture Brian's charm
• Botched negotiations about Beatles music
• Absolutely dreadful film title
• Abysmal amateur publicity & marketing

Apart from that - it's fine...

Damage done: Immense.

This massively lessens the chance of a proper film ever being made about Brian in the future

Silver lining: It may have brought you to this website.

Want to see a good film about Brian?

Here are a couple:

First - a short film.

It says more about Brian in just 6 minutes than the new mish-mash could say in 6 lifetimes...

One Of Us - The Ultimate Tribute To Brian Epstein

Second - the film of a new TED Talk about the Beatles - that includes a major heartfelt salute to Brian

The Greatest Beatles Story NEVER Told!

Lastly - here's a tribute to Brian by the Beatles scholar who orchestrated the successful campaign to get Brian inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame

No Brian Epstein? No Beatles!

Shalom Brian

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